The power of

hebrew letters

Judaism designates Hebrew as a sacred language, as a means of divine communication.

God created the letters: "Twenty-two fundamental letters he ordered, molded, combined, intervened, exchanged. And they formed all creation and all that would be created in the future." (Sefer Yetzira (Book of Creation) 2: 2).

Since ancient times, sages and mystics have taught that the Hebrew letters are not just an ordinary vehicle of expression, but each one, having served as a tool for the creation of the world, contains divine energy and revelation. For this reason, it is said that Hebrew letters serve to deepen the internal development of the individual. Their use in meditation is recommended as well.

A few years ago, I enrolled in a workshop entitled "The dance of life of the Hebrew letters", whose objective was to learn about, analyze and meditate on the significance of each of the letters, writing texts about what each one of them evoked for oneself. This is how I arrived at the idea of materializing what is perceived by the unconscious, understanding the esoteric meanings of the letters and expressing them in artistic works. To carry out this idea I deepened my studies, meditating once again on the significance of each letter. Combining digital art with photography I was able to give visual form to the images which were already dancing in my mind. 

The resulting paintings refer to abstract concepts such as justice and rectitude, charity and sacrifice, the diversity of opposites, forms of healing, the search for truth and the mystery of life. Having completed the visual component of this project, which comprises 22 paintings, one for each individual letter, I then embarked on the project of bringing them all together in book form.  In this manner, I was able to deepen the explanation of each letter: its literal meaning, numerical value and form, as well as its character in meditation and the way it manifests itself in daily life.

Lithograph and exhibition available.

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The power of

hebrew letters

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